Homework - Feb. 3
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-5 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 347 and 348
3)Grammar - p. 66
4)Religion - Ch 9 test tmrw - see study guide
5) Test Folder signed and returned tmrw
6) Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Second Grade
1) Voc. write words and def. #5-8 two times and sent.
2) Read "Schools Around the World" to an adult
3) Voc./Reading test Wed.
4)Math - p. 407, 408
5) H/W-p. 27
6)Religion - Ch 9 test Thurs.- see s/g
7) Test folder signed and returned tmrw
8) Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Homework - Feb. 4
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #6-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 359 and 360
3) Reading - story and questions
4) Social Studies - Read Landforms booklet with an adult
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 413, 414
3) Reading - story and questions
4) Voc./Reading test tmrw
5) H/W - p. 29
6) Religion - Ch 9 test Thurs. -see s/g
Homework - Feb. 5
First Grade
1) Spelling - ABC Order
2) Math - p. 365, 366
3) Science - wkbk. p. 139, 140 (use with text C18-19)
4) Report Card signed and returned tmrw
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #11-20 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 419, 420
3) Reading - story and questions
4) H/W-p. 37
5) Religion - Ch 9 test tmrw
6) Report card signed and returned tmrw
Homework - Feb. 6
First Grade
1) Spelling - test Mon.
2) Math - p.371, 372
3) Science - wkbk. 141, 142, and 143 (text C2-C23)
4) Reading - story and questions
5) 12:00 dismissal tmrw
Second grade
1) Voc. - write #5-8 words and definitions two times and sent.
2) Math - addition sheet
3) Religion - p. 130
4) Reading - story and questions
5) H/W - p. 39
6) 12:00 dismissal tmrw
Homework - Friday, Feb. 7
First Grade
1) Spelling- test Mon.
2) Science Ch 5 test Wed.- see study guide in notebook
3) Religion Ch 10 test Thurs. - see study guide
Second Grade
1) Attend Mass
2) Spelling - test Mon.
3) Voc./Reading test Wed.
4) Religion - Ch 10 test Thurs. - see study guide
Homework - Feb. 10
First Grade
1) Spelling - write 1-5 three times and sentences
2) Math - p. 377, 378
3) Religion - p. 130; Ch 10 test Thurs.
4) Science - Ch 5 test Wed.
5)Feb. Book Report notice and book in folder
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write 1-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 425, 426
3) H/W - p. 41
4) Grammar - p. 179
5) Religion - Ch 10 test Thurs. - see study guide
6) Voc./Reading - Test Wed.
7) Feb. Book Report notice and book in folder
Homework - Tuesday, Feb. 11
First Grade
1) Spelling - write 6-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 383, 384
3) Reading - Presidents Day and questions
4) Science - Ch 5 test tmrw - see study guide
5) Religion - Ch 10 test Thurs.
6) Bake Sale Friday
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write 11-20 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 431, 432
3) Reading - Presidents Day and questions
4) Grammar - p. 181
5) Voc./Reading test tmrw
6) Religion - Ch 10 test Thurs.
7) Bake Sale Fri.
Homework - Thursday, Feb. 13
First Grade
1) Words to Know sheet
2) Math - p. 393, 394; Ch 6 test next Friday
3) Religion - p. 142, Ch 11 test Thurs. - see study guide
4) Reading - George Washington and questions
5) $2 dress down and Bake Sale tmrw
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write words and def. for 5-8 two times and sent.
2) Math - p. 443, 444
3) Religion - p. 142, Ch 11 test next Thurs. - see s/g
4) H/W - script "O and C"
5) Reading - George Washington and questions
6) Practice for Confession
7) $2 dress down tmrw and Bake Sale tmrw
Homework - Friday, Feb.14
First Grade
1) Spelling test Thurs.
2) Religion - Ch 11 test Thurs. - see study guide
3) Math - Ch 6 test Friday
4) Feb. Book Report due Mon., Feb. 24
5) Test folder signed and returned
Second Grade
1) Attend Mass
2) Spelling - test Thurs.
3) Religion - Ch 11 test Thurs. -see s/g
4) Practice for Confession
5) Feb. Book Report due Mon., Feb. 24
6) Test folder signed and returned
Homework - Thursday, Feb. 20
First Grade
1) Math - practice sheet (2 sided); Ch 6 test tmrw - see practice packet in folder
2) Reading - story and questions
3) Grammar - action verbs review sheet
Second Grade
1) Math - p. 449, 450; Ch 6 test Tues.
2) Reading sheet
3) H/W - script "E"
4) Read "Gloria" to an adult
5) Voc./Reading test Mon.
Homework - Friday, Feb. 21
First Grade
1) Book Report due Monday
2) Readers Are Leaders Challenge letter and forms in folder- please read carefully
Second Grade
1) Attend Mass
2) Voc./Reading test Mon.
3) Book Report due Mon.
4) Math - Ch 6 test Tues. - see practice in folder
5) Religion - Ch 12 test Wed.-see study guide
6) Sacrament of Reconciliation is next Thurs. at 5:30 in the Church; practice!
Homework - Monday, Feb. 24
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-5 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 403, 404
3) Phonics - "oo" words sheet
4) Science - wkbk. p. 295, 296 (use with text F4-F9)
5) Ash Wed. Mass is at 8:30
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - Ch 6 review sheet; test tmrw
3) Religion -p. 154; Ch 12 test Wed.
4) H/W - script "D" and "P"
5) Ash Wednesday Mass is 8:30
6) Sacrament of Reconciliation Thurs. at 5:30 in the Church
Homework - Tues., Feb 25
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #6-10 three times and sent.
2) Math- p. 409, 410
3) Science - wkbk. p. 301, 302(use with text F12-F13)
4) Words to Know sheet
5) 8:30 Mass tmrw - wear school sweater
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #11-20 three times and sent.
2) Math - practice sheet
3) H/W - script "R", "B"
4) Science - wkbk. p. 279, 280 (text F12-F27)
5) Religion - Ch 12 test tmrw
6) 8:30 Mass tmrw - wear school sweater
Homework - Wednesday, Feb. 26
First Grade
1) Spelling - ABC Order
2) Math - p. 415, 416
3) Grammar - p. 79
4) Religion - p. 154
5) Read 15 minutes every day - use the new form to record your books
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write #1-4 words and definitions two times and sent.
2) Math - p. 471, 472
3) H/W - script "T" and "F"
4) Reading - story and questions
5) Read 20 minutes every day
Homework - Thursday, Feb. 27
First Grade
1) Math - p. 421, 422
2) Words to Know Sheet
3) Read "Animal Groups" to an adult
4) Compare/Contrast sheet
5) Religion - Ch 12 test next Wed. -see study guide
6) Gift Card Dress Down tmrw - see note in folder
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write #5-8 words and def. two times and sent.
2) Math - p. 483, 484
3) H/W - script "S" and "G"
4) Gift Card Dress Down tmrw -see note in folder
5) Confession in Church today-drop off at 5:30 and pick up by 6:15
Homework - Friday, Feb. 28
First Grade
1) Spelling test Monday
2) Religion - Ch 12 test Wed.
3) Read a book and fill out the new form instead of an exit ticket
4) Monday is crazy hat or wear red and white day
Second Grade
1) Attend Mass
2) Spelling test Mon.
3) Read Now and Ben to an adult
4) Voc./Reading tests Tues.
5) Monday is crazy hat or wear red and white day
Homework - Monday,March 2
First Grade
1) Spelling -write #1-5 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 427, 428; Chap. 7 test Thurs.
3) Grammar - p. 83
4) Science - wkbk. p. 307, 308 (text p. F14-19)
5) Religion - Ch 12 test Wed.
6)Dress down tmrw- wear a shirt with words
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 489 and 490
3) H/W - script I and J
4) Voc./Reading test tmrw
5) Dress down tmrw - wear a shirt with words
Homework - Tuesday, March 3
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #6-10 three times and and sent.
2) Math - Review packet in folder; Ch 7 test Thurs.
3) Religion - p. 182
4) Reading - story and questions
5) Test folder signed and returned
6) Wear mismatched clothes or wacky hair tmrw
7) 11:00 dismissal Friday
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #11-20 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 495 and 496
3) H/W - script L and Q
4) Reading - story and questions
5) Test folder signed and returned
6) Wear mismatched clothes or wacky hair tmrw
7) 11:00 dismissal Friday
Homework - Wed.,March 4
First Grade
1) Spelling - ABC order
2) Math - Ch 7 test tmrw- see practice in folder
3) Grammar - p. 86
4) Religion - Ch 12 test changed to tmrw
5) Science - wkbk. p. 309, 310 (text F2-23);
Test next Tues. - see study guide on notebook
6) Wear a shirt with a place's name on it tmrw
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write words and def. 2 times and sent.
2) Math -p. 501, 502
3) H/W - script H and K
4) Science - wkbk. p. 295, 296 (text F24-29)
5) Wear a shirt with a place's name on it tmrw
Homework - Thursday, March 5
First Grade
1) Spelling test Monday
2) Math - p. 441, 442
3) Reading - story and questions
4) Science - Force/Motion test next Tues. - see study guide
5) Religion - Ch 15 test next Wed. -see study guide
6) 11:00 dismissal and wear yellow day tmrw
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write #5-8 words and def. 2 times and sent.
2) Math - p. 507, 508
3)H/W - script M and N
4) Grammar - p. 65
5) Science - Force and Machines test next Wed. - see study guide in notebook
6) 11:00 dismissal and wear yellow day tmrw
Homework - Friday, March 6
First Grade
1) Spelling - test Monday
2)Science - Force and Motion test Tues. - see study guide in notebook
3) Religion - Ch 15 test Wed. - see study guide in notebook
4) Next Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Second Grade
1) Attend Mass
2) Spelling and Voc. tests Mon.
3) Math - Money test Tues.
4) Science - Force and Machines test Wed. - see s/g
5) Religion - Ch 15 test Thurs. - see s/g
6) Next Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Homework - Monday, March 9
First Grade
1) Spelling - write 1-5 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 447, 448
3) Reading - story and questions
4) Science - Force test tmrw (see study guide)
5) Religion - Ch 15 test Wed. (see study guide)
6)Dress down Thurs.- baking item donation
7) Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #1-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - Money test practice in folder; Money test tmrw
3) H/W - script U, V
4) Religion - p. 182; Ch 15 test Thurs.-see s/g
5) Science - Force test Wed.- see s/g
6) Dress down Thurs. - baking item donation
7) Friday is 12:00 dismissal
Homework - Tuesday, March 10
First Grade
1) Spelling - write #6-10 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 453, 454
3) Read "Let's Go to the Moon" with an adult
4) Main Idea and Details sheet
5) Religion - Ch 15 test tmrw
Second Grade
1) Spelling - write #11-20 three times and sent.
2) Math - p. 513, 514
3) Grammar - p. 70
4) H/W script "W" and "Y"
5) Science - Force test tmrw - see s/g
6) Religion - Ch 15 test Thurs. - see s/g
Homework - Wed., March 11
First Grade
1) Spelling - ABC order
2) Math - p. 459, 460
3) Main Idea and Details sheet
4) Words To Know sheet
5) Dress down tmrw - baking item donation
6) Firday is 12:00 dismissal
Homework - Wed., March 11
First Grade
1) Spelling - ABC order
2) Math - p. 459 and 460
3) Words to know sheet
4) Phonics - ee and ea sheet
5) Dress down tmrw- bring in baking donation
Second Grade
1) Voc. - write words and definitions for #1-4 two times and sent.
2) Math - p.519, 520
3) H/W - script X and Z
4) Read "Working in Space" to an adult
5)Religion - Ch 15 test tmrw
6) Dress down tmrw - bring in baking donation
Homework - Thurs., March 12
First Grade
1) Spelling and Words To Know tests Monday
2) Math - p. 465, 466
3) Main Idea and Details sheet - use with story
4) Phonics sheet
5) Grammar - p. 94
6) 12:00 dismissal tmrw
Second Grade
1)Voc. - write #5-8 words and definitions two times and sent.
2) Math - p. 525, 526
3) Grammar - p. 71
4) Story and questions
5) H/W - book p. 80
6) 12:00 dismissal tmrw
Academic work for the Week of March 16-20
First Grade
1) Math - a) complete all review practice sheets; b) do 40 minutes of math activities on espark.app every day
2) Reading - a) read 2 books and answer the questions on kidsa-z.com every day; b) do 20 minutes of reading activities on espark.app every day; c) and complete the St. Patrick's reading comprehension sheet
3) Religion - with adult assistance, read Chapter 16 and complete p. 192, 193, and 194
4) Grammar - with adult assistance, complete Pronouns p. 95-104
5) Handwriting - do one practice sheet each day
6) Social Studies - read Wants and Needs definitions and complete color, cut, and glue sorting sheet
Academic Work for the Week March 16-20
Second Grade
1) Math - a) do Lesson 7.11 p. 528-532 and Chapter Review p. 533-536 in textbook; b) complete all review packet sheets; c) do 20 minutes of math activities on espark.app every day
2) Reading - a) read 2 books and answer the questions on kidsa-z.com every day; b) do 20 minutes of reading activities on espark.app every day; c) complete the St. Patrick's Day reading comprehension
3) Religion - read Ch 16 and complete p. 192, 193, 194
4) Grammar - Prefixes p. 170, 171, 172 and Suffixes p. 173, 174, 175
5) Handwriting - book p.77, 79 and sheets; do one each day
6) Social Studies- read Wants and Needs booklet and complete all activities with adult assistance
*** Parents, please have your children click on the "My Assignments" section in Kidsa-z.com and complete reading and answering questions on those books before going into "Level-up". I have added specific assignments for this week. They are familiar with these locations on the website.***** Thank you!
Academic Work for First Grade for 3/23-3/27
Math - Mon. - Ch 10 L.1 p. 576-578
Tues. - Ch 10 L.1 p. 579, 580
Wed. - Ch 10 L.2 p. 582-584
Thurs. - Ch 10 L.2 p. 585, 586
Fri. - Ch 10 L.3 p. 588-592
* Also, log into espark.app for 30 minutes of math skills every day (complete assignments first)
Reading/ELA/Science/Social Studies
a) Log into Scholastic Learn at Home website every day - see instructions in email sent separately
b) read 1 book and answer the questions on kidsa-z.com every day (complete assignments first)
Religion - Read Ch 17 and complete p. 204, 205, 206
Grammar - Adjectives p. 105-109
Academic Work for Second Grade for 3/23-3/27
Math - Mon. Ch8 L.2 p. 548-552 (use a ruler)
Tues. - Ch8 L.3 p. 554-558
Wed. - Ch 8 L.4 p. 560-564
Thurs. - Ch 8 L.5 p. 565-568 (not #1)
Fri. -Ch 8 L.5 p. 569, 570
*Also, log in to espark.app for 20 minutes of math skills every day (complete assignments first)
Reading/ELA/Science/Social Studies
a) Log into Scholastic Learn at Home website every day - see instructions in email sent separately * do the assignment writing in script
b) read 1 book and answer the questions on kidsa-z.com every day (complete assignments first)
Religion - Read Ch 17 and complete p. 204,205,206
*write the answers in script
Grammar - Pronouns p. 94-101
*write the answers in script
***Please see Google Classroom for all Assignments and Announcements effective March 30th. Thank you!***
Welcome to First/Second Grade! What an exciting year it will be!
Since your child and I are going to be spending so much time together, let me tell you a little bit about my background. I have been teaching for more than 20 years. I have been blessed to be at Holy Rosary for 20 of those years. During my career I have taught Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, and Sixth Grade. I am a New York State Certified Licensed Teacher with a Master's Degree in Education. I also have Level 1 and Level 2 Religious Catechist Certifications.
On a personal note, I am married with two children, and I recently became a grandmother to two beautiful little girls, Allison and Emily. Although my children Billy and Stephanie are now grown and married, it feels like it was not that long ago that I was sending them off to school too!
Thank you for entrusting your child to me. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to send a note to class with your child, or you may email me at the above address.